The Moodle Podcast

Increasing cybersecurity in companies: Harnessing IntelliBoard's learning analytics and Moodle | A conversation with Becky Keith

Moodle Podcast Season 1 Episode 22

Join IntelliBoard Chief Product Office Becky Keith for this insightful discussion with Carles Aguiló-Collado from Moodle HQ. Together, they will discuss how to increase cybersecurity in your company, harness tools such as IntelliBoard within Moodle LMS, and turn insights into action.

Listeners will hear real-world examples and learn practical strategies to fortify their organizations against emerging digital threats.

Learn more about IntelliBoard on their website.

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Hello and welcome to the Moodle podcast.

Hi everyone. Very happy to be here with Becky Keith from Intelliboard. I am Carles. I work at Moodle and I'm in charge of all the tools and technologies that integrate with Moodle LMS and Moodle workplace and all of our tools. Thanks so much for being here.

very happy to have you.

Thanks for having me. I'm excited to be here and to talk about not just intelliboard, but Moodle as well, and how Moodle and intelliboard work so well together.

We do indeed. And,

this collaboration is just getting stronger. We are putting more and more effort into offering,

very smooth integration with both tools. Learning analytics, obviously is something that many, many institutions use and for a good reason, in my opinion. And this informs or should inform a lot of important decisions. So to start us off, I'd like to know what your experience. I mean, obviously, your experience on the learning analytics side is central, but I think besides Moodle, you also have experience with other LMSs. I would like to hear a bit about where you can interact on all these LMSs and what it is to you. One nice thing may be about Moodle, or one different thing that works differently from other LMSs.

In my current role as chief product officer at Intelliboard, we do have integrations with major LMSs. So I have experience with multiple learning management systems. However, as a practitioner, my experience is actually just with Moodle. I used Moodle in the classroom as an instructor. I was the first one to one iPad teacher in the state. And so obviously, my utilization of Moodle spiked and changed the way I used Moodle from, you know, pre-devices to post one to one devices. So, using Moodle in the classroom, and then later, I became the technology integration specialist, where I trained all of the teachers in the district on using Moodle.

And then later after that role, at a company I was the director of digital learning, where I
was part of an edtech startup. And we really leveraged the power of that open source platform. So what I like most about Moodle would be that just the ability to customize it to meet your specific learning environment needs. If it's k-12 , higher ed or corporate, we were able to leverage the power of that open source platform to really customize it for us.

And so that flexibility, our needs and that was what we needed. So that's very powerful for the moodle. Platform is that ability to really customize and scale it excellent.

Well, that's quite an impressive background in edtech and, yes, I would say probably that's one of the things that we hear. It's a curse and a blessing, really. It's extremely customizable, so it can make things complex because it has so many options. But obviously when institutions need a very specific experience, it's a blessing because you can really fine tune it to your needs. Yeah. And because of that it is, you. Know, it's very powerful. It's the most powerful. It can do many things and. Provides lots of options. So I agree with that.

Regarding the integration itself, would you say it has been a different experience for you? Because obviously having the code should make the integration easier, but I'm not sure if this really plays a role or the other platforms that are not open source also provide you with a good enough API or a good enough way of working that.

It really is not a big difference for Intelliboard. It is a big difference for our integration, our Intelliboard integration with Moodle. The ability for us to get anything and everything we want out of Moodle is a game changer for us at intelliboard. Some of the other ones we work with, we are able to get a lot of data, but we're able to. Get the data that they allow, allow us to get out or that they allow their users to get out. So that could be a flat file of data that only gets processed every 24 hours or more frequently. Sometimes API calls are throttled. Some issues with, I guess, all of them, but the ability to really dig into Moodle and know Moodle as well as we do and have the history with Moodle that we have, we are able to get lots of data out of Moodle and it's because of that open source platform. So yeah, it's a great, it's our first integration and teleport goes back to you know, 2014, 2015 with Moodle. That was our initial integration. We started as a Moodle plugin. So we definitely have the history,

with Moodle.

Well, good to know that. It's also a good experience for the developers and the product team. We've been talking about all these data that you take from Moodle, so that it can be analyzed. And this is the main aim of today's podcast, to understand what learning analytics are, why they are important, why they should be included in all processes by institutions. Let's start by why do you think learning analytics are important?

It tells you the success of what's happening. It tells you what's happening in your learning environment, it measures and visualizes the success, or potentially the concerns that you should be having, maybe tells you something that you didn't know that you needed to know. So, providing the insights, be it positive success, be it negative concern or risk, concern. It could be concern for courses or concern for, instructional practices, assignments, or maybe tricky quiz questions. Engagement, concerns of engagement, risk, engagement with instructors, engagement with learners. Learners who are potentially at risk. So, learning analytics looks at everything that's happening and it tells you what good looks like, it tells you what success looks like, then, you are able to replicate that, to scale that, or to address areas of concern. So, learning analytics, on top of a strong learning platform is critical to, really see what's actually, what's actually happening inside the environment.

I guess that's at the core of what intelliboard does. Does, and probably the spark that started it all, right?

Right. So Intelliboard is a learning analytics solution, saying what started it,

going back to 2015, the need was for reporting, for tabular reporting, for more native,

more reporting on the native LMS. And then over time, we've changed that. It went from tables to charts and graphs to dashboards with the visualization and the table to conditional events. If this happens, then do that. And now it's transformed even further into providing critical insights, having it at their fingertips in a notification or a dashboard, being able to bring data together, being able to take the data from the LMS. We're able to get a ton of data from Moodle, but taking that data and levelling it up, building a calculation, creating an algorithm that is that critical data piece that you need. So, at Intelliboard, that's what we do. We're learning analytics solution. We visualize and enhance the LMS data, providing an increased understanding of what's happening, and the most important part in an action bay, providing action on the data, but then in a role-based, secure, scalable way that's important for interlibrary, just role-based, secure, and scalable.

So Intelliboard allows the users to input new data as well. So not just the LMS data. If you want to bring data in via CSV or input directly into a report, or connect an entirely new system, like a student information system, bringing that data together and then again scaling it in a role-based, secure way, meaning that people only have access to the data that they are able to see or have permission to see in Moodle. And then Intelliboard has solution,

consultants that collaborate with the organizations to define what success looks like. So this is the training or the learning, but other than a grade or completion, what does success look like and how do you measure that? So, from there, we're able to identify. The critical data for each role in.

The organization and then get them the data that they need in a simple, simple, understandable dashboard with a notification that allows them to take action on that data. Intelliboard has a suite of,

default data sets that we have designed,

through our educational experience and expertise in K-12, higher ed,

corporate and government. So we've built out this library of defaults that answer the most common questions. That our users have. And so starting with those allows quick time to value and deploying those default data sets. And then, of course, we have a. Visual builder that allows you to customize.

Or build anything from scratch if needed.

That sounds amazing. You have just mentioned all these areas where people need learning analytics. You mentioned earlier the integration with school information systems, and I was already thinking, of course, that is important in all levels of education. The more financially critical, probably, the more the institutions care about getting all data right and not letting one student drop.

If it's,

if it's your management team at a corporation, or if it's students at a,

at a university where they pay thousands of dollars to be there, obviously, these are some of the environments where learning analytics are most used. Do you find differences among these different ecosystems regarding their use or their proficiency in using all this information?

You know, you hit it right. It is often a monetary, monetary business decision. Of course. At Intelliboard, where we focus on the. Learning data,

what's most important to. Us and what we focus on in. Our value is improving learning outcomes. We want to improve learning outcomes across. The board and what Moodle is used for. Moodle is a learning environment. We just want to support the teaching. And the learning and improve the learning outcomes.

But that scales to. If it's corporate learning or if it's

at a higher ed institution, at. The end of the day, the knowledge is being transferred from Moodle and then you,

know, to the learner. And we all want to improve the learning outcomes. And so the key across sectors is really

two things I would say. You know, the need to simplify the solution and the need for the organization. To understand the value of full scale adoption. You know, those are two key pieces. Of deploying it, regardless of the sector or area of the globe. You know, we're

a global company. And work with k twelve higher ed corporate and government. So the institution or the organization simplifying. The solution and having someone to

Support the internal full scale adoption are critical. So simplifying the solution is focusing on. The roles at the organization. It could be managers, HR, employees, at. A,

higher ed. It could be advisors, deans, instructors,

But identifying what those roles need to. Do their job best and to see. Success and knowing what data is most. Critical, and then getting that data to them easily, understandably, in a simple, simple fashion. And then the other thing, understanding the. Value of full scale adoption just means, you know, launching it role by launching it to a role, seeing success, selecting another role, launching it to that role.

And then over time, everyone at the institution or organization using the data to make informed decisions. So, you know, seeing the measure of. Success increase and that risk decrease. If an organization only launches and teleport to two or three people, then, you. Know, that's not a full scale learning analytics solution.

So we really aim to work with. The organization or the institution to identify. The roles and really launch it full scale. And key to a successful deployment is. The importance in teleport places on security.

scalability and permissioning that I mentioned earlier. And so that feature, the security, the. Scalability, the permissioning allows full scale adoption. With quick time to value, and we. Do that really well. Launching one key data set to an. Entire role is simple and each person. Sees just the data that they have permission to see within moodle.

Absolutely crucial, I think, and security is one of the main concerns and data visibility, et cetera. Before we jump into that, I was interested because on my last question I was a bit dramatic, speaking about dropout rates and more university case. But it's very interesting what you mentioned about the different roles, because obviously the target, the goal that you're seeking, which is a lot more generic than what my initial assumption was, and it is to improve education, is important for administrators of the school or the organization, but it's also important for teachers and for people who are designing the learning, who are delivering the learning.

So all these other roles are also at the forefront of education and are really the ones that have a very, very important, I would say so if they inform, excuse me for the big loop, but if they inform their actions through all these data, they can perform with a lot more relevance and a lot more accuracy than if they just follow their instinct.

Or in the case of virtual learning and distance learning very often is a lot of silence and very little information. So data is really something that has a very big role to play also for them, I understand.

Right. And access to that data. So if you think about, you know, one of our, as I've mentioned, the,

the role based, secure, scalable permission that applies to roles that you don't always think about. So, for example, let's say the higher ed institution, athletics, what, what data do your athletic coaches have access to? They're not in, they're not in the LMS. They don't have access to the student information system data.

They are, I don't know, oftentimes either just completely left out or maybe if risk is identified, they might get a notification. But the ability to provide them role based, secure,

permission data to just their athletes. Here are your athletes. You have permission to see these athletes. And here's, you know, one critical report that shows you eligibility. It shows you risk that your students are, or that your athletes are potentially going towards, you know, not being able to, to,

perform. And so, you know, having just that idea, Intelliboard, that provides great value. So taking, taking that concept of looking at role by role at your organization, you know, your corporation or your institution and identifying, okay, what data is critical for this role to have and then being able to launch that securely. Because the issue is that data is siloed. You've got your student information system or your CRM or your HRIs system or your LMS, and, you know, your LMS admins hold it tight. Sis old admins hold it tight. So, being able to come in and say, here's how we can scale across your organization securely and let's just go role by role. Let's look at your advisor role and what data is most critical for that role, and then launching a dashboard that we have to that role.

It's not, a lot of times with data analysis you think, oh, they need to have, the more reports, the better. We need to give them 20 reports, 30 reports that we're not seeing. That's the case. You need to identify what is the most critical data field and how can we capture that in a dashboard or what dashboards do we already,

that show aggregate roll up data and then launching it needs to be actionable data. So it needs to be a select amount that the users can consume and connect on.

Yeah, no, I love it. Excellent. Well, I love these examples that take us out of our usual way of thinking about the learning management system, like athletics. Do you have other examples or user stories where learning analytics played a role and maybe all these role configuration or the security, the data, visibility, all these sort of elements came together in a nice way.

Yeah, absolutely. You know, I would, I would, I would say that every single client in teleport has, has leveraged the power of the role based, you know, permission. Permission, and it applies to everybody. So if, you know, it's easy to apply it to higher ed. So if we want to look at applying it to corporate, I can think of one of our moodle US clients, actually SenCy. And SenCy is cyber or sensible? Cyber sensible. Cyber, shortened to SenCy. And they are a cyber cybersecurity company that services small and medium sized businesses delivering cybersecurity training through their moodle lms.

So they are definitely one that leverages that power. And we supported them in building a one critical dashboard and they have taken that one dashboard and deployed it internally to their, they call them advocates, but to their,

I guess they're more like account managers. So it, that one dashboard is deployed to their account managers, but then it's also same dashboard, deployed to their individual businesses that they work with, the organizations that are their clients. They've deployed that dashboard and then the managers see that dashboard for only their business, their employees.

That makes me think about an ideal configuration, probably for Moodle workplace with different tenants, for the different companies that these. These account managers have. Do you know if that is how that was implemented as SensCy?

Right. So that is an ideal, you know, for the workplace tenants. But SensCy is actually using Moodle LMS, so they kind of accomplished the same thing. The way they do it is they leverage cohort, functionality inside Moodle LMS for each of their companies.

Excellent. They probably have an impressive. They do. Okay, nice. Excellent. And I understand they are also delivering this training to these companies. Sorry. And customers as well, through Moodle.
 Right, yeah.

And I've gotten to see it, and it looks very slick. They've, Moodle US SensCy. They've done a great job in capturing what they want in a. In a very simple, visually appealing, very,

intentionally laid out way there. When you first look at their Moodle site, the landing page has six large, very nice icons that are very clear direction for the user. I think,

I don't know, maybe training policy tutorials.

incident response.

they have a cyber health evaluation, and then the one I love the most, their cyber health dashboard. So they,

have these six icons that. That lead the user wherever they need to go. When you click on the intelliboard one, the cyber health dashboard, it takes you to,

your intelliboard dashboard. Within Moodle as an LTI, they've visualized their learning data with a cyber health score.

they utilize moodle quizzing feature. And that quiz, Moodle quizzes, that's their cyber health evaluation, where, when they first start working with a new client, they walk them through this evaluation that has 30,

nine questions. They're weighted. It examines 106 different cybersecurity data points. And that result is, is their cyber health score. Another thing, just sticking with their moodle usage, what I have heard them say that I think is critical as well, is that the intentionality to deliver high quality training through Moodle, that benefits the employee personally as well as the company.

So cybersecurity is such,

an important topic, and it's important to you personally as well as to their company that they work for. So the learning of cybersecurity is,

applicable to their home and personal life just as much as the company. So I've heard since I say that 88% of cyberattacks are caused. By users just making a mistake, clicking. That link, downloading that file. It looks like Microsoft and it's asking for my credentials. Oh, no, they've expired.

Put them in and then your credentials are gone. So there's so many easy, little simple. Things that a user can unfortunately fall. To that I love that their training. Is personally applicable as well as to their company. So they're engaged and they take the training serious.

Absolutely. A couple of weeks ago, John Oliver had,

a chapter in big butchering, they call it. And it's the practice of,

building. A relationship with someone during, sometimes months. To then rob them of their credentials and their money. So it is absolutely something that is. Crucial for life, for everyone. And it's like he showed several people. Not the person who doesn't understand technology or the person who, who you would.

Say is the most obvious target of that fraud, but we are all,

in danger. So it's crucial that these cybersecurity items. Are known and are shared and that. We are aware of them. So I'm happy that mural served for that. That's a very important cause as much. As all the other ones that we try to engage with. That was very interesting also about all the quizzes and all the, how the LMS is used, how or what role.

Played in teleporting all these ecosystem of,

training and measuring and decision making.

So SensCy came to us with, like. They knew exactly what they wanted. And it was great that we actually got in really early with them. So they were actually just starting their business when we came on board as well as Moodle. So we came on board at the same time.

So they were setting up the moodle. The same time that they were working with us. And what they wanted was an easy solution. They wanted something that was easy to understand.

they needed to take complex information. And lots of data and show it. In a visual way that made sense internally to their advocates, but also externally to their managers. And they also wanted to protect their proprietary cybersecurity score. So they found that,

intelliboard was. The right solution for them. And then they worked with our experts. On building a,

very nice, very nice. Actually, theirs is one of my favorites, but a nice dashboard that scaled to their SensCy account managers, which they call. Advocates, as well as,

the managers. At their client businesses.

Nice. And,

this situation where you are. Sharing data with your own within your. Own company,

that has some implications. And then with external companies, which is. A lot more delicate, obviously. How was that solving this,

scenario with SensCy? Was that something that,

is technologically supported or is it more,

how they use some of our technologies to accomplish that?

so they. So SenCy,

you know, their algorithm is kind of what we would call it in teleporta, a role based, a role based risk calculation. So they,

they leverage the quizzing and then also all of their,

all of their training, looking at the completion percentages to identify a critical data field for them. And then the other technology that they, that they wanted was to be able to bring other important data into their intelliboard or into their moodle data as well,

visualizing that inside intelliboard. So they,

they are bringing into intelliboard some critical data that they use, a feature that we have called inform. And, you know, they bring in additional data sets from their web scans, their vulnerability scans,

their backups. And so the advocates at

SenCy are,

not just using the calculation or the risk calculation, but then also bringing in other critical data, some data they've uploaded, some data they input directly, and then that goes right back into intelliboard. So a, since I advocate, can verify a scan, input the date, who it was, verified by, the status, and that all feeds directly back into intelli board reporting.

And then they've got that one dashboard with all of the critical data. That concept, that, that idea applies, you know, that's a corporate example, but it applies to advisors or instructors at an institution putting in communication. So they make,

they have an intervention. They make an intervention. They talk with the, with, with the learner. That data can go back into intelliboard via a,

form. And or managers,

managers might have performance reviews or competency reviews to measure the effectiveness of the training. So,

here's training delivered on a certain skill, and then the manager reviews competency of that skill that can go back into that form, and then all of that goes back into Intelliborg. So, you know, breaking down those, those.

Data, data silos we have spoken about, well, we don't need so much data that we can't action it,

with all this data. I reckon these advocates and, and these advisors and instructors typically take action on data. In the cases. In the case of SenCy, what. What are they doing? What are they actually making out of this data that has an impact on their daily practice?

Daily practice, it does, and that's what. We try to do when we work with institutions or corporation, is identify. What. Does success look like and how do. You measure success, and then how can we visualize that? Since I created this, since I score. It'S a rule based prediction that,

you know, intelliboard has machine learning powered predictive analytics, as well as the ability to build a rule calculation using our builder to identify risk. And SenCy has their SenCy score, and,

a syncy score is similar to a credit score. And we all know, at least in. The US, we know how important that. Critical or that credit score is,

when you want to go buy a. House or a car. That concept, I love that they took their data and applied it to a concept that we understand and is high value. So, looking at that cyber score, that SensCy score, that's what they identified as the most critical data and

the greatest indicator for what success is and success to them as engagement in the content that that leads to their employees identifying cyber,

threats and not falling prey to that. So it's a familiar concept. And then what they did is they. Put that front and center. It's at the top of their dashboard. Your cybersecurity or your SensCy score is at the top of the dashboard. You want it. It goes up to 1000, but you want it to be as close to 800 as you can.

just like your credit score. So they put that top and center. You can see your cyber, your SensCy score every day. And over time, as it. As it grows up, you know, as it grows up. So, as far as action, their. Their advocates daily view their Intelliboard dashboard to see where their clients are, whose cybersecurity or,

their cyberscore might have dropped or plateaued or too low, and then they're using that as the critical. Data to then reach out to the. Companies, drill down into the data. If it dropped, why did it drop? Did they have an issue? Is there a certain course that they're not completing so they can drill down and see that and then take action?

For them, because they're a corporation and. They work with businesses, their action is. That their advocate reaches out to the. Manager at the institution or, you know, it could prompt,

a new web scan or vulnerability scan or something like that. So just the idea, though, that that critical data is front and center, and that's what they use daily to identify what needs. Needs to be done. And, you know, just taking this application from corporate to education, you know, we.

Work with a lot of virtual schools. That have rolling enrollments. So if you have, if you're fully virtual and you have rolling enrollments, then the critical data is pacing. But pacing,

is not a data point. That is in learning management systems, a calculation. So we are able to say, this. Is the start date. Courses should last this long. Here's the total number of assignments, here's. How many days they've been enrolled, how many assignments they've completed, and then create.

a pacing calculation that is on. Pace or off pace or taking the last login. So that last login date is a moodle data field. And creating a calculation and then adding. Conditional formatting to make it red or orange or green. That, hows how many days it's been since their last login, or how many students in their course haven't, logged in in the last seven days. 14 days, 21 days. So you mentioned daily. And that's what we aim to do, is we aim to say, okay, here's all of the data that we can get, but how do you know what success looks like? Or what is success? What, how do we measure that?

And then how can we visualize that in an understandable way and put that data front and center so it's, it. Leads your daily actions. As a, virtual school teacher, I. Log in and I see students who haven't been engaged or haven't completed an. Assignment in 14 days. I know that those are the students. Who I need to reach out to. So, you know, making that data actionable. And then we also have the ability to build any notification.

The notification can be based off a calculation. It could be based off data coming in,

and combining. So bring in GPA and,

maybe a scholarship, and then you can view. That learning data, looking at students who. Fall within that scholarship and then say. They're at risk of potentially losing it. We need to reach out to them. So taking that data and identifying risk and then either having it automated through a notification or making physical contact, and then, of course, putting that back into.

Intelliport and bringing it back in and looking at the success of those interventions.

Also, I imagine that with the high pace, high tempo that we have in our lives, having these very simple metrics that are shown to you or,

this idea of notifications, also, they come to you instead of you. Having to look for something is something fairly critical for many people and for the success of implementing more at the level of the administrative or the administration of the institution, so that this initiative is,

Adopted widely, and people see the benefit, etcetera. So that is a very exciting part, I think. One other thing that is extremely popular today, and I imagine it has some impact on intelli board as well as generative AI.

we've heard about it. these large language models and machine learning algorithms have been there for a while. It's not new. We're just seeing the success for them to communicate with us in a fictitious. But still, that resembles human nature. Is that something? And please excuse me if this is a very. Just because the topic is hot question, like, a very obvious question, is these or are these algorithms also related to what Intelliboard accomplishes or how Intelliboard accomplishes these in determining maybe which data,

is relevant or popping up, things that are out of the average of the course, et cetera? Is that something that is inbuilt?

So we have, I'll tell you what we have. And then. And then can also kind of, you know, talk about where we're going with our current platform. We have both machine learning and then also what we call rule based. So the machine learning is, you know, true machine learning built on building a model, training your model.

And we have logistic regression, neural networks. We have that AI machine learning right now for, for SenCy, you know, specifically, they. We were, we were part of their initial moodle setup, and so they didn't have the quantity of data that it would. That it would take for, you know, to launch,

to train a model. And so for them found that their algorithm did the trick. Like, it. It identified risk, and it works. So you've got, you know, that machine learning. So, with our predictive learning analytics right now, any institution or organization can, can build their own model. So we're not saying here is our one predictive algorithm and forcing it upon everyone.

We're saying you can build and train your model on the historical data of your courses. So, identifying this success metric, the criteria, and then training the model on the historical data to predict risk for current. So then you, you train your model, and then you run your model on current students, and it predicts learners at risk based on the.

Their current behavior and how that matches the,

historical data of students who ultimately didn't achieve whatever you set, if it's passing, re enrolling, et cetera. But what we have found with, with AI and the generative, the next phase, the next step that we are working on now is, is identifying the outlier, the change in behavior.

putting that data. In context, allowing an instructor or an advisor to ask the system questions and it return the data that they need to know and not be even in a report or a dashboard, but in context. So that's kind of,

the next phase of tell me what I need to know without me even needing to analyze anything. So if there's an engagement, a drop, an engagement, being able to immediately notify the instructor or the advisor of that risk. So that's kind of where we're looking as a next phase with our AI.

Sounds exciting.

do you know if, SensCy, they have had these dashboards, obviously, and,

they have been improving the cyber scores. But as we were talking, this is something that extends to lives. We know if they have had some other horror stories or like some other examples where they said, I'm so happy I took this training.

they do. I can then go to, off the top of my head that I've heard them talk about. Number,

one is they had a client who almost, keyword almost there, wired $100,000 to a cyber-criminal. But thankfully, since I had served up through Moodle, the, training on business email compromise, and because of the engagement in that training course, they questioned what they had received, and it turned to be a cybercriminal. So someone had been squatting in their vendors emails, not even in their own company, that the threat wasn't in their company's emails, it was in a vendor that they were working with, and someone had been squatting in that vendor's email. And then when their client sent an email to the vendor saying that they were getting ready to pay the invoice on whatever date, the cyber-criminal who was squatting there took that email and moved it to an RSS feed so the client couldn't see it anymore. And then they responded with their new banking information. So our banking information has changed and they've provided new banking information, hoping that that company would just pay the invoice and, and wire that $100,000. But because, you know, they had just taken that since, I. Course, they knew they acted as the vendor and found out. And prior to. And then the other one that shows, you know, that really talks about the power of that data visualization is that they had a software development company that signed up with SensCy, and after the initial review, their score was an eight and eight out of 1000.

And matter of fact, the advocate even thought that the algorithm was broken because it was so low. But, but nope, they scored an eight. But having that critical data front and center every day and having access to that eight. Excuse me. And knowing that they wanted that 800,

it motivated them and it engaged them. And within six months, that company had gotten their score up to an 800. So that was for, you know, visualizing that data, knowing it's critical, and then working towards success. And. And so ultimately, that made their company more secure at recognizing attacks. So those are two stories of success for SensCy.

Yes. Two happy endings. Nice. We've been talking about how these teachings, these learnings, and the data that came out of them has been helping people act differently on their lives or their professional lives, to greater success. Do you know if this data that is collected also has an impact on the learning practice and the teaching practice that the advocates in SensCy have been carrying out?

Yeah, for sure. You know, they, one of the visualizations allows them to drill down into their quiz assessment and see quiz questions that maybe are not,

are repeatedly being answered incorrectly, therefore maybe leading to,

information that's not presented in the best way for learning. Another thing, just changing the way that they presented it in Moodle, when, I kind of mentioned earlier that Intelliboard started kind of at the same time as SensCy in Moodle, us with them. And so they originally were using an assignment, an assignment feature for the cybersecurity assessment. But in knowing what they wanted out of it, knowing,

the dashboard that they wanted and that SensCy score, we were able to work with them on changing to, using the quiz feature and changing to the quiz feature allowed them to get that calculation that they wanted and allowed them to more easily calculate that SensCy score. So having the data definitely gives you insight into maybe course changes or quiz changes, but then also just working with Intelliboard and our expertise and experience with Moodle allows us to support that process, too. And best practice of using Moodle.

I was listening to you and thinking that maybe we companies use this lingo, moodle US, which is actually the office that we have in the states that has customers and delivers services for Moodle, as opposed to moodle product and other areas of the business. So just to clarify for the audience that's what is meant when you say Moodle US

So it's the learning practitioners and the account managers in the american office, actually, that, that Moodle uses to go. To market there to wrap up, I would say this great story about SenCy and how this collaboration between Moodle, intelliboard, and this company that serves a lot of other companies has performed. Are there other aspects that you think we haven't covered and maybe also are interesting to complete this picture?

You know,

Synci is a great example of full scale adoption. So, kind of circling back to the beginning of our conversation when we were talking about deploying learning analytics, just back to the importance of having champions at the organization who see value in data governance and adoption is critical, and that's what SensCy has done, is they see the value of not just giving the data to one or two people, but having it full scale at their company with their advocates, but then also sharing that data visually with the managers at their clients that they work with to see value in that data governance and adoption.

So the same process we deploy to institutions and organizations across the globe. So working with intelliboard, we support the institution or the organization by identifying, and I've kind of mentioned it several times, but, you know, identifying success in that critical data and then starting with our default report. So we want to, we want full scale adoption, but we want time to value, and we want to get data in the hands of people at the institution as quickly as we can.

So, you know, we work with organizations to identify the data. We match it to our default reports. We really are working hard to improve our default reports so that they, as, soon as you connect, you have great value. So starting with our default reports and then our solution, consultants can help add any additional data or identify calculations that really level up that,

lms data and then come up with a scaling solution to kind of launch it role by role like SenCy did. So, you know, I appreciate the time to get to talk with you and brag about the work that Moodle has done with SensCy and then with intelliboard as well, it's, you know, it's great to work with Moodle and get to launch together.

Excellent. Well, thanks for this illuminating, story, I think about SensCy and the importance of training in general and of using good data in your training. 

So it's been a pleasure, having you in our podcast and looking forward to many years of strengthened collaboration. So thanks so much.
Thank you. Thank you so much.